Specter of an Ancestor cover image
Ryan SchneiderSpecter of an AncestorApr 17th - May 30th 2021

The works included in Specter of an Ancestor are made of burnt Torrey pines. Torrey pine is a rare species of tree that grows only in California, not far from Schneider’s home of Joshua Tree. When speaking on the desert landscapes of California to Curate Joshua Tree in 2017, Schneider clarified, “There is a spiritual hum here that I’ve never felt anywhere else. I think that in this area in particular, the veil to the other realms of consciousness is very thin, you can sort of see the other side on a daily basis.” While recalling Cubist visual archetypes set by artists like Pablo Picasso, as well as the sub-Saharan African masks Picasso was influenced by, Schneider’s sculptures simultaneously speak to a uniquely intuitive process that is guided by the aforementioned “spiritual hum”.

Man of Stone, 2021, 2021Oil stick on burnt Torrey Pine24 x 14 x 15 inches
Fourth Dimensional, 2021, 2021Oil pigment on Torrey pine22 x 13 x 11 inches
Scar Faced Lion, 2021, 2021Oil pigment on burnt Torrey Pine19 x 14 x 13 inches
Specter, 2021, 2021Oil pigment on burnt Torrey Pine14 x 14 x 12 inches
Tete a Tete, 2021, 2021Oil pigment on burnt Torrey Pine23 x 12 x 13 inches
Island Ancestor, 2021, 2021Oil pigment on burnt Torrey Pine41 x 12 x 13 inches
Elemental Ancestors, 2021, 2021Oil pigment on burnt pine 60 x 11 x 12 in.60 x 11 x 12 inches
Just Waking Up, 2021, 2021Oil pigment on burnt Torrey Pine19 x 14 x 13 inches
The Birth of Everyone, Everywhere, 2021, 2021Oil pigment on burnt Torrey Pine31 x 14 x 14 inches
Mixed Messenger, 2021, 2021Oil pigment on Burnt Torrey Pine21 x 15 x 15 inches
Wild Beasts, 2021, 2021Oil pigment on burnt Torrey Pine31 x 17 x 17 inches
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